David Severn

“Through my work I try to convey a sense of delicate tranquility by photographing in a way that reveals the quiet, serene beauty of nature that often goes overlooked in todays fast paced society. Photography, for me, is a way of purifying my mind, slowing down and becoming more sensitive to my surroundings and my images reflect that. In photography, lights equal is time and it has always fascinated me how much ethereality can be injected into a photograph through the use of time exposure. From the first time I laid my eyes on a long exposure image and saw the water appearing like wispy fog, clouds seeming to race across the frame, tree branches swaying in the wind and ghostly looking figures, I fell in love with the technique and have been practicing it ever since. When we see motion with our eyes, we can only see it in continuous fluidity but with photography, the possibility to capture all the movement and compile it into one single frame is unleashed and I am passionate about experimenting with that.”


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